Proposed Housing
Land at Hillier's Lane, Churchill

March 2022

Project Team

Woodstock Homes are a privately owned homebuilder based in the South West and South Wales, with an established regional reputation. Woodstock Homes takes great care over its developments’ overall design and construction, from thoughtful plans to high quality finish.

At each Woodstock location, the developments form a vibrant part of the community, as Woodstock Homes ensure a balanced, environmentally sympathetic approach to every home, with each property finished to an extremely high specification that their customers are proud of.

M7 Planning is a residentially focused land promoter and professional investor in land and property in the South and South West.
Achieving planning permission is at the heart of what we do and we carefully manage each and every aspect of the process, providing a tailored approach for each site we take on. We are passionate about design, place making and optimising asset values and we believe that these things go hand in hand.


M7 Planning Limited are planning to submit a Full planning application for new high-quality housing development, in a highly sustainable location, comprising c.36 dwellings (30% affordable housing).

We pick our locations carefully, where there is a real need, we build at high density, to minimise our impact on the country’s green spaces and we build sustainably, preserving our Earth for our children and beyond.

We focus on delivering houses to those in greatest need: future generations of doctors, nurses, key workers, young families and the next big thinkers, who want a place to call home.

Why are we submitting a planning application now? 

The North Somerset area has a significant shortfall in housing delivery when measured against the Local Plan targets.  As members of the housing development community we see the consequences of this with rising, unsatisfied demand and a growing disparity between house prices and affordability.  Our proposal provides an appropriate response to this for the scale, location and facilities available in Churchill, with the aim of providing new housing opportunities in the community you love, for you, your children or grandchildren and new residents, strengthening diversity and vitality.

This website provides an opportunity for residents, businesses and organisations to learn about our draft proposals and our intentions to submit a Full planning application to North Somerset Council soon.

At the bottom of this website page you will find a short questionnaire.  Please leave us your thoughts, which will be considered prior to making the application.

The Site

The site is sustainably located on the western edge of the village of Churchill, approximately 15 miles (24.1 km) south west of the City of Bristol on the A38. The study area measures approximately 2.32 hectares (5.73 acres) of agricultural land under private ownership and comprises of two parcels of land east of Hillier’s Lane, north of Dinghurst Road (A368).

Land at Hillier’s Lane is a significant opportunity, within an exceptional location, for a sustainable new housing scheme. 

A number of complimentary factors demonstrate why housing should be permitted here:

  • The residential development will deliver 30% affordable housing.
  • To re-balance the local housing stock to encourage diversity.
  • The provision of much-needed housing (including affordable housing) contributing towards the achievement of housing targets for the area.
  • Supporting the Local Economy.
  • Enhancing Existing Natural Features.
  • Ecological improvements.
  • Well connected to existing settlement and complementary to future prosperity.
  • The creation of an attractive place/destination with its own identity whilst reflecting local character.
  • Retention and enhancement of existing boundary hedgerows and trees of amenity value.
  • Provision of areas of public open space.
  • The physically unconstrained nature of the land and its lack of environmental designations allows development to come forward within a short timeframe.
  • Through careful design, visual impact can be managed avoiding significant adverse impact.

The Vision

With the help of our consultant team, we are formulating proposals to deliver a high-quality housing scheme. We want to create a sustainable new living environment, based around a fully integrated new community with new homes that are accessible to everyone.

Throughout the design process each member of the team provides their specialist advice and input to ensure that the scheme responds positively to its surroundings, considering the constraints.

The vision for the scheme is to create a sustainable new living environment, based around a fully integrated new community with new homes that are accessible to everyone.

  • Up to 36 new homes with 30% being affordable.
  • Mix of 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes including 4 x 3 bedroom bungalows.
  • Accessible, sustainable established residential location.
  • Legacy through carefully designed spaces, beautiful homes and gardens.
  • Unconstrained land outside of high flood risk area allowing development to come forward within a short timeframe.
  • Significant areas of public open space to provide natural infrastructure, such as landscaping, play spaces, biodiversity offsetting, tree planting and natural green space.
  • Ecological mitigation – in relation to loss of tree roosts/foraging habitat and from lighting impacts.
  • Strong defensible boundaries with proposed clustered tree planting, hedgerow strengthening and species rich meadow grasslands.
  • Compliments the viability and vitality of Churchill.


Examples of Woodstock Homes housing

High Quality & Sustainable Design

The UK has a legal commitment to reduce carbon emissions by 80% by 2050. The North Somerset Core Strategy is the main planning document which guides development choices and decisions. This includes, Policy CS1: Addressing climate change and carbon reduction and Policy CS2: Delivering sustainable design and construction 

The Council is  committed to reducing carbon emissions and tackling climate change by employing the following principles;

  • Development should demonstrate a commitment to reducing energy demand through good design, and utilising renewable energy where feasible.
  • Developers are encouraged  to incorporate site-wide renewable energy solutions.
  • Opportunities for walking, cycling and use of public transport should be maximised through new development.
  • A network of multifunctional green infrastructure will be planned for and delivered through new development.
  • Protecting and enhancing biodiversity across North Somerset including species and habitats that are characteristic of the area, in order to support adaptation to climate change.

The council will require designs that are energy efficient and designed to reduce their energy demands, this will include the use of on-site renewable energy sources and the application of best practice in Sustainable Drainage Systems, to reduce the impact of additional surface water run-off from new development. 

To supplement North Somerset Council’s core requirements for sustainable construction Woodstock Homes are pleased to propose the following;

  • 80% of housetypes to be delivered with an Energy Efficiency Rating of ‘A’. Very energy efficient with lower running costs
  • Extra solar PV panels
  • Low energy internal light fittings
  • External security and safety lighting will be fitted with daylight and movement sensors
  • Low flow rate sanitary fittings to minimise water use
  • Increased insulation
  • Construction materials will be purchased from sources that minimise carbon emissions and/or come from sustainable sources

Access, Movement & Amenities

The site is sustainably located, abutting the village of Churchill, on the western edge of the Mendip Hills, about 8 miles (12.9 km) east of Weston-super-Mare and about 15 miles (24.1 km) south-west of Bristol. 
The proposed new homes will have easy access to local services and facilities, public transport links and to the Public Right of Way (PRoW) network. Churchill bus services are available to Weston, Bristol, Wells, Cheddar, Shipham and a limited number of other destinations.

Bus stops area located on Dinghurst Road, within approximately 200m of the proposed site entrance. A new footpath link is proposed to the eastbound bus stop from the site, as well as a link which connects to the footway on the west side of Hilliers Lane. Using the proposed footpath route from the development area, the walk distance to the westbound bus stop is about 110m.

The nearest rail station is Yatton, 4.7 miles from Churchill traffic lights. However, there is no public transport from this area to Yatton. The closest station which is served by public transport from this area is Bristol Train Station.

A Transport Assessment and Travel Plan will be required to support the planning application for the site.

1. The proposed vehicular and pedestrian access will be from Hillier’s Lane 

2. A street pattern has been identified to provide good connectivity and efficient residential blocks

3. A footpath around the development connects to public open space and the southern public transport links on Dinghurst Road 

4. The footpath link onto the eastbound bus stop, heading towards Langford

5. The westbound bus stop heading towards Weston-super-Mare and adjacent PRoW.

Pedestrian & vehicular links across the site.

Community Benefits

  • The development will positively contribute to the growth of the local economy by delivering new homes and employment opportunities.
  • 30% affordable housing to meet North Somerset Council requirements.
  • Walking connections to the local street network and improving the accessibility of existing public rights of way
  • New green infrastructure and public open space will provide amenity, with play facilities.
  • Retained hedgerows and trees creating a network of habitats corridors around walking routes.
  • A secured boundary of the site on all edges, with development fronting the open space.
  • Transitional open space with proposed clustered tree planting, hedgerow strengthening and species rich meadow grasslands.
  • Sustainable drainage attenuation features designed to create wetland habitats.
  • Section 106 contributions towards local improvements to services.
  • Community Infrastructure Levy payments.

Planning Application & Project Status

We are currently at the stage of preparing a Full Planning Application to submit to North Somerset Council. By submitting a ‘Full Planning Application’, we are seeking complete approval from the local planning authority for the design of our proposal (including the amount, scale, layout and appearance of the development, as well as any landscaping) and the proposed access arrangements.

Prior to submitting the application, we wish to engage with the community to understand local views and considerations that will positively assist in the formulation of our plans. Whether you are in favour of, or opposed to new housing on this site, please tell us why.

A summary of the feedback received through this consultation will be provided in a Statement of Community Involvement, which will form part of our planning application to North Somerset Council. 

Have your say

Our consultation period is now closed. We thank you for your time in visiting this presentation