Public Consultation

October 2020

Potential Residential Development of new homes
Pineapple Farm,
Mulberry Road,Congresbury

Intro & Proposal

M7 Planning Limited and Stonewater Housing Association have teamed up to progress a planning application for land at Pineapple Farm for up to 90 dwellings (including 30% housing), public open space and the retention of an ecological buffer along the boundary of the site. The land is located east of Congresbury, in a sustainable and accessible location.

Why are we submitting a planning application now? 

The North Somerset area has a significant shortfall in housing delivery when measured against the Local Plan targets.  As members of the housing development community we see the consequences of this with rising, unsatisfied demand and a growing disparity between house prices and affordability.  Our proposal provides an appropriate response to this for the scale, location and facilities available in Congresbury, with the aim of providing new housing opportunities in the community you love, for you, your children or grandchildren and new residents, strengthening diversity and vitality.

This website provides an opportunity for residents, businesses and organisations to learn about our draft proposals and our intentions to submit an outline application to North Somerset Council soon.

At the bottom of this website page you will find a short questionnaire.  Please leave us your thoughts, which will be considered prior to making the application.


Who is Stonewater Housing Association? 

Stonewater is a social housing provider, with a mission to deliver high quality affordable homes to people who need them most. We manage around 32,000 homes in England for over 65,000 customers, including affordable properties for general rent, shared ownership and sale, alongside specialist accommodation such as retirement and supported living schemes for older and vulnerable people, young people’s foyers and women’s refuges.  Stonewater will be responsible for delivering the affordable housing element of the scheme.

Who is M7 Planning?

M7 Planning is an expert advisor and professional investor in land and property.  Achieving planning permission is at the heart of what we do; we carefully manage each aspect of the process providing a tailored approach for each site we take on.  We are passionate about design, placemaking and delivering much needed housing in sustainable locations.

The Site

The site is located to the east of Congresbury, with access from Mulberry Road to the south which in turn takes its access from Park Road, linking to Brinsea Road. The study area measures approximately 3.3 hectares (8.18 acres) of agricultural land under the ownership of people local to the area.

Pineapple Farm is a significant opportunity, within an exceptional location, for a sustainable new housing scheme. 

A number of complimentary factors demonstrate the opportunities of why housing should be allowed here:

  • Retention and enhancement of existing boundary hedgerows and trees of amenity value.
  • Provision of newly accessible public open space.
  • Well connected to the existing settlement and complimentary to future prosperity.
  • Unconstrained site, avoiding development in more sensitive locations in Congresbury.
  • A scale of development which can lead to a meaningful provision of much needed housing (including 30% affordable housing) contributing towards the achievement of housing targets for the area.
  • The site is identified within the Congresbury Neighbourhood Plan (July 2019) as being in a location of low visual impact sensitivity (ref: Wardell Armstrong – Landscape Sensitivity Assessment March 2018).
  • An established transport network serving the immediate and wider area, including a regular bus service along the A370 and Yatton Railway Station within a short distance.
  • Supporting the Local Economy in the short and long term and the viability of existing facilitieswed

The Vision

With the help of our consultant team, we are formulating our proposals to deliver a high-quality housing scheme. We want to create a high quality, sustainable new living environment, based around a fully integrated new community with new homes that are accessible to everyone.

Throughout the design process each member of the team provides their specialist advice and input to ensure that the scheme responds positively to its surroundings, considering the constraints.  The Vision is:

  • Delivery of up to 90 new homes with 30% being affordable.
  • A mixture of housing types and tenures including 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes including catering for first time buyers and the elderly.
  • Providing an accessible development for pedestrians, cyclists and car users.
  • A scheme which knits into the fabric of the established residential location.
  • An environment to be proud of, providing a legacy through carefully designed spaces, beautiful homes, gardens and open spaces
  • An emphasis on sustainable living including renewable energy creation and home working opportunities.
  • Development which avoids building on land within high flood risk areas.
  • Supports the enhancement of diversity through new residents, enabling the viability and vitality of Congresbury to continue.
  • Deliverable within a short time frame.

Access, Movement & Amenities

The site is located in an accessible and sustainable location adjacent to a recently constructed residential area to the south east completed by Strongvox.

Initial access design work has been completed by our consultant MBC. Vehicular and pedestrian access is proposed to be constructed over the field access from Mulberry Road, which is complimented by the provision of a network of footpaths within the site, connecting to the existing Public Right of Way to the north west.

The closest bus stops to the site are located on Brinsea Road at approximately 400m walking distance, providing the A2, local service. The X1 Weston Super Mare to Bristol Bus Station service stops at Station Road (approximately 1.4km walking distance), with services every 15 minutes during the day.

The nearest railway station is Yatton, which is 2.5 miles to the north west and accessible on foot or via cycle.

Primary education is available at St Andrews C Of E Primary School, approximately 1km to the north west of the site. Secondary education is available at Churchill Academy, which is within easy reach by bus.

The nearest convenience store to the site is located on The Precinct, Brinsea Rd, which is around a 300m walk from the site. There are also additional facilities including doctor’s surgery, pharmacy, pubs/restaurants and hairdressers within 1km from the site.

Pedestrian & cycle link to local amenities.

Vehicular access from Mulberry Road

Community Benefits

  • Much needed high-quality new homes.
  • 30% affordable housing to meet North Somerset needs, delivered by Stonewater Housing Association.
  • Walking connections to the local street network and improving the accessibility of existing public rights of way
  • Green corridors as public open space with play facilities.
  • Retained hedgerows and trees creating a network of habitats.
  • A secured boundary of the site on the southern and western edges, with development backing on.
  • Transitional open space with proposed clustered tree planting, hedgerow strengthening and species rich meadow grasslands.
  • Sustainable drainage attenuation features designed to create wetland habitats.
  • Section 106 contributions towards local improvements to services.
  • Community Infrastructure Levy payments, with 25% of these ringfenced for Congresbury Parish Council.

Planning Application & Project Status

We are currently at the stage of preparing an Outline Planning Application to submit to North Somerset Council.  An “Outline Planning Application” will seek to establish whether the scale and nature of a proposed development is acceptable to the local planning authority, before a fully detailed proposal is put forward as part of a “Reserved Matters Application”.

Prior to submitting the application, we wish to engage with the community to understand local views and considerations that will positively assist in the formulation of our plans. Whether you are in favour of, or opposed to new housing on this site, please tell us why.

A summary of the feedback received through this consultation will be provided in a Statement of Community Involvement, which will form part of our planning application to North Somerset Council.

Have your say

Our consultation period is now closed. We thank you for your time in visiting this presentation.